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About LIFE organisation

LIFE Organization's philosophy & model comes to life!

I am extremely happy and excited to share this news clip with you all today, this video (scroll down below) is sharing information about Nipun Bharat initiative by HRD Ministry in India  this year with the exact same philosophy & model developed by LIFE for Education in India in 2012!

"When you echo your thoughts and idea in the universe with absolute belief and conviction then one day the whole universe will make sure the ecosystem resonates with your idea which you believe can change the world"

Nipun Bharat Initiative

Discussion on Nipun Bharat Initiative - 6th June 2021

Nipun Bharat Mission will now make organisations like our LIFE organization to enable technology based teachers and parents intervention and monitoring progress as forefront of classroom pedagogy

Genesis of an Idea

Reason I started my journey in education was due to my corporate job experience, wherein I faced a constant challenge to hire the right kind of people with right skills and personality. This led me to investigate reasons our country is failing to create individuals who needed basic skills during their schooling years. Even though we are the youngest nation according to the age matrix, yet, it’s astonishing to see that India has only 8% of employability ratio from total graduates who pass out every year. The reason this was happening is due to foundational learning blue print which is completely flawed…..due to the seeding of rote learning and memory based models throughout  foundational learning stages.

Mr. Amarnath Chayanam – Founder & CEO

Baby Steps in the Right Direction

Emerging with this thought a relentless amount of research and work began 9 years ago with LIFE organisation by setting up the first school to address Foundational learning took place in 2015 with our researched pedagogy. Our most valued school was Sharon English High school which knotted their belief in us and we started our first steps with 30 students. From 30 students taking a huge leap our organisation now has over 180 schools with almost 40000 students who get administered our programs through the LIFEDFLIX platform.

LIFE Instructional Matrix

LIFE believes in an educator’s thought transformation which has to change from “What to teach?” to “HOW TO TEACH?” with the Life Instructional Matrix.

The Instructional designs are structured such that our teachers have minute to minute execution of how to learn and focus on concepts integrated with real life so that child is not dependent on memory based learning or rote learning. The biggest understanding taught for teachers teaching the age category 3-9yrs is the concept of Whole-to-Part. A year long teacher training program which hand holds the teacher to understand and get aligned to this structure is how LIFE works to show a true change in each teacher.

Ms. Ruhi Thakkar – Co-Founder & Head of Academics

LIFE's Content Design

The LIFE content design is structured on block based curriculum which is age specific and is NOT OBLIGATED to any text book. The Nipun Bharat Initiative talks about this as an implementation of Policy which will now withhold publications to sell any format of textbooks for the Elementary and Primary grades.

As much is the excitement to watch this video on Nipun Bharat initiative, equal is the pride to have taken this exact initiative through the inception of LIFE org. 9 years ago and watch it being implemented.

The LIFEDFLIX platform by LIFE is where the creation of this block based learning content can be seen. Each of it defines the age category with aptly designed worksheets that fade away rote learning and bring in imagination with curiosity in learning. This structure also articulates the learning curve of a child through 400+ activities that aim to make them independent learners in future.

How LIFEDFLIX Fits in with Nipun Bharat Initiative

All the teaching & learning tools of this new era are integrated with our curriculum blocks that includes AI (Artificial Intelligence) and AR (Augmented Reality). With the welcome of Nipun Bharat initiative, we confidently say that LIFEDFLIX thus is designed for every educator of tomorrow.

Each of these points mentioned above are not just designed for educators and schools but also for a HOMESCHOOLING model structured for PARENTS and is ready with a futuristic approach in all of the  modules stated above. The role of how a parent plays an important part in the early learning years has been well defined in our structured modules on LIFEDFLIX.

As the learning years progress Lifedflix becomes the platform where an early assessment of Learning style & preferences can design a path of career opportunities for children. The teacher can then align individual child’s learning blocks to pave the way towards a successful future.

LIFEDFLIX also gives children opportunities to put forth skill development programmes that will make them stronger as knowledgeable individuals in the society.

We'd love to hear from you

Contact Us

Now that you know where education in India is headed with the Nipun Bharat Mission and how LIFE Organization has already developed the model of education and created a platform around it, we would love to hear from you.

If you represent a school, we would love to work with your school to implement our block based curriculum design.

If you are a parent, we would love to work with you to help you homeschool your child.

If you are a teacher, we would love to explore collaboration opportunities for you to start your own tuition / school on a revenue sharing basis.

Reach us through

Send us a Message

One Stop Shop for New Age Education

This is how we have relentlessly worked as a team to make a platform of Holistic Learning which is the need of the hour today. This announcement of Nipun Bharat initiative  also highlighted the fact that a Program like LIFE is already available to be incorporated by schools, Educators and Parents for effective and holistic learning for the children of this new era. All of our programs are also aligned to the NEP 2020 policy. LIFE is the one stop shop for all taking a step into new age education.

We have developed a full fledged ecosystem for any school to adopt our program and platform to set their school to achieve 100% transformation from old methods to new block based learning methodologies.

As they say "Life is a climb, but finally the view is great."

Expressed by Amarnath Chayanam – Founder
Blog written by Ruhi Thakkar – Co-founder

22 thoughts on “Nipun Bharat Initiative”

  1. Kudos to team LIFE, for being ahead of the game, for the futuristic approach and vision to evolve the education sector. This is brilliant! Upwards and onwards🙌

  2. I loved your platform so much that I wish my children who are grown up today would have gone through this type of no notebooks study. Nowadays children will be so happy to learn on this platform and we salute the hard work taken by the mentors Amarnath and Ruhi for beautifully Designing it for children’s future development where practical learning is given more importance for overall growth of child’s mind so that it gets sowed deeply into their minds rather than by heart learning where all the children do is parroting without understanding the concept….once more I congratulate lifedflix for making this platform so thoughtfully that children are going to enjoy their studies without any stress and studies will be an enjoyable experience for them … thnx and Goodluck.

  3. Congratulations to a great start👏. Amazing idea for our kids and what a herculean effort put together by the very hard working Amarnath and Ruhi. Lifedflix has come up with a brilliant idea for the future of so many young lives. Wishes for a fantastic success to the Lifedflix team👊👊

    1. Congratulations team Life!!What a brilliant idea of studying without notebooks….sounds super fun….kids are going to love this for sure…. Wishing the team all the success 👍👍

  4. What a brilliant idea.. Kudos to the team!!! Have already had a wonderful experience with your AR enabled books, excited for this next step… Best wishes to the team 👍👍

  5. This is a Super-Duper Innovative Idea, just the kind of futuristic approach today’s Tech Savvy Kids need. How I wish we had this kind of option during our school days. Kudos and Best Wishes to the entire team and wishing them more success in the days to come! 👍

  6. Ruhi this so amazing!!! Damn I wish i could experience all this… Lucky kids who will get the opportunity to experience all of this!

  7. Congratulations to the wonderful team of Life who with such powerful minds are already creating an impact with their futuristic thinking. Best wishes for a successful journey and for being the change.

  8. Wow! What a brilliant idea! Congratulations to Team Life for such and innovative and amazing concept. Well done and wish you the best for your future projects.

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